Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. Psalm 119:105

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About Truth Bible Studies

Truth Bible Studies has come from a vision of enabling the current generation to study the courses in a digital format. As the world continues to change it method of study, we are thankful that the Truth of God’s Word has withstood the tests of time. These courses are a comprehensive study of Biblical truth that will assist the learner to gain a deeper knowledge of God and His Word.

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Lamp and Light Courses

As you study these courses, we invite you to open your heart and allow God to speak to you through His word. Our goal for this study is to provide the study material that will assist you in walking closer with God.

The First Step

The first step in the Christian journey toward eternal life is believing in Jesus.

Steppingstones to God

After we have taken the first step of accepting Jesus as our Saviour, we need to continue walking toward God. Study this course to find out what those steps are.

Seven Steps of Obedience

There are seven areas that have been commanded by God and every true born-again follower of Jesus will want to practice these.

Building Christian Homes

Society is built on homes. When homes crumble, society crumbles. Many homes today end in failure because of not following the plan of God. Study this course to get an understanding of the plan that God has for the home.



In Step with the Prince of Peace

Peace! This is something that everyone wants. This course will give us the teachings from the Prince of Peace.

The Faith Worth Dying For

Is there really a belief that is worth dying? Many people have died for many causes, but what is it that causes a person to willingly lay down his life in death. Study this course to discover the faith that is worth dying for.

In the Beginning

Many people believe the world started with a big bang or some other force. The Bible tells that in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Study this course to discover the the beginning of many things.

The Heavenly Pilgrimage

As Christians we are on a journey through this life as our home is in another land. This course will help you to better understand what the requirements are to have a successful journey.

So Were the Churches Established

The early church was established by men who had been followers of Jesus Christ and now were putting into practice the things that they had been taught. This course gives us a deeper understanding how this happened.

Christian Stewardship

Have you ever wondered if God is concerned about your money, abilities, or time? Study this course to find out what the Bible says about these things.

Fasting for His Glory

Do you mean that Christians should fast? Why would someone deny themselves food? A fast can also include more than abstaining from food, as at times we should also take digital fasts.  The Bible does not spell out all the details about fasting, but it does give enough clear teaching on the subject that Christians should embrace the teaching.

Discerning His Will

Many times in life we are faced with questions that need answers. We don’t always know the best road to take. God does not want us to walk in darkness so He has given us guiding principles in His Word.

Witnessing For Him

As Christians we have been given the greatest task that any human can have. Jesus told His disciples that they would receive heavenly power and they were to go into all the world to tell the good news of His redemption. That same commandment is for us today.

Committed to Him

Commitment! In the world today, this concept is sadly lacking, because when things get tough, people look for a way out. As Christians, God has all the power we need to fulfill our commitments to Him.

Worshipping Him

Our generation know variety in worship. From very traditional to very contemporary, churches in our generation offer it all. What does God say about worship? Study this course to discover the heart of God.

Studying His Word

Have you ever wondered why your Bible reading doesn’t bring you greater joy? Taking a systematic approach to reading and studying can transform your study.

Praying To Him

Prayer is the Christian’s most neglected form of worship. Prayer is our communication with God, so it is important that we spend much time in prayer allowing God to speak to us.


Christian Brotherhood

Christian brotherhood  is Jesus’ followers that have the same common goals in life. They are willing to give up their own desires for the sake of their brothers. Jesus said there is no greater love than that a man would lay down his life for another.

Shepherding the Sheep

Leader or shepherd, which one are you? Leadership is a place that requires humility, accountability, and a heartfelt love for the ones that are under our care.

Rewards of the Faithful

Everyone likes rewards but there is a cost involved. If we want to reap fruit we need to be faithful in tending the plant that is providing the fruit. Study this course to gain deeper insights of faithfulness in daily matters.

Bearing Fruit for His Glory

Every plant will bear fruit of its kind. When we plant an apple tree we expect to reap apples. The same principle applies in the Christian life, because when we follow God we will bear fruit that comes from God.

Footprints of Christ

How do we know what is true? There are many beliefs and conflicting views in the world. It is important that we follow the footsteps of Jesus so that we will arrive at the right place.

Managing His Money

At the end of the life, the things that we call ours, will they really be ours? God says the cattle on a thousand hills are His. Study this course to discover how to take care of the things that are God’s.

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Team Members

The team members are committed to serving your needs as you study this course. They are free to answer questions that you may have.

Steve Eash
Samuel Okoth
Operations Supervisor
Timothy Senerwa
Jacob Odour
Book sales / Free Area Post
Thomas Mboya
Lesson grading and preparation
Elphas Misongo
Book sales and lesson grading
David Mboya
Transalation and formatting
Tonny Sande
Book sales / Nakuru Post
Peter Ngunjir
Book sales / Gilgil Post

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